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Materia, Inc.

Company Summary


Materia was founded in 1999 to commercialize a group of ruthenium catalyst technologies developed by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Robert Grubbs and his research group at Caltech. In recent years the company has focused on developing Proxima™ polymers with commercial success in subsea pipeline insulation, molding of parts for industrial applications, and various composite applications like composite rebar for concrete reinforcement.

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Recent news

  • 12/7/2021 - Exxon Acquires Materia,... (subscriber access)

Company Transactions

Date: 12/7/2021
Type: Acquisition

  • Materia, Inc.
    Exxon has acquired Materia, Inc, which is a tech firm that has led the development of a technology to manufacture a new group of structural polymers.
  • North America